Fugs & Pieces, May 3th, 2024

Happy birthday to my college roommate, Jen! And happy Friday to everyone else. This week feels as if it’s been a very chaotic one for the world; I hope the following bring you some relaxing entertainment.

At Drinks With Broads, we had a VERY FUN discussion this week about Your Definitive Version of various stories and/or roles, and also talked about how apparently the Rock sometimes shows up EIGHT HOURS late to work. We also prepped for the Met Gala, and talked about how Lauren Sanchez is being styled by Anna Wintour, among other things. The Met is this Monday — if you want to join our very fun chat, that’s a perk for paid newsletters subscribers and we’d love to have you! (You might also want to get on board for when Bridgerton recaps start in a couple of weeks!)

Very interesting, at Lainey: “An interesting thought experiment to imagine how any rom-com plays out if you swap the characters around. Notting Hill, but Will is the movie star badgering normal-gal Anna for a second chance; While You Were Sleeping but Jack is the stranger who swiftly ingratiates himself into a traumatized family (the first act of a crime drama!); Pretty Woman but Edward is a hustler—actually that’s just American Gigolo.”

Absolutely fascinating: The children who remember their past lives. [WaPo, gifted link]

This is interesting inside-baseball look at press junkets from Lainey, over at her Substack, The Squawk.

And at Vulture: The Actual Tennis in Challengers Is Kind of a Serve.

I agree: Ravioli’s Day of Reckoning Has Arrived. [Jezebel]

Speaking of Challengers, if you’re in the market for cute new tennis gear, you should know there’s a very cute Prince collab at Target, AND Tuckernuck’s tennis/golf stuff is really cute right now. I love this skirt. I also rounded up a bunch of shorts for the summer here.

Wild. At SFGate: The California man who hid for 6 months in a secret room inside Circuit City.

Interesting, at Eater: We Asked: “How Did You Fund Your Restaurant?

At the NYT: A Peek Inside the Brains of ‘Super-Agers’ [gifted link]

This was a good idea for a piece, at Slate: America Has Revealed Which New Taylor Swift Songs Are the Skips

The NYT asks: How Did Black Forest Cake Become the World’s Favorite Dessert? [gifted link]

We had some great chats this week! We talked about your number one packing tip! We discussed the Tony nominations!

(Photo by Spencer Weiner/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

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