How to identify different cries of a baby

How to identify different cries of a baby

by Reshma Koradia


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Decoding Baby Cries: A Guide to Identifying Different Infant Cries


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The sound of a baby’s cry is one of the most powerful and instinctual triggers for caregivers. As a parent or guardian, learning to decipher the different cries of your infant can be a game-changer in understanding their needs and providing them with the care and comfort they require. In this guide, we will delve into the world of baby cries, exploring the various types of cries and offering practical tips to help you identify and respond to each one.

In the realm of parenthood, deciphering the nuanced cries of your baby is a skill that borders on artistry. It is a dance of instincts, observation, and love, choreographed by the unique language your baby speaks. Amidst the orchestra of wails and coos, there exists a remarkable discovery that amplifies the melody of baby communication – the Dunstan Baby Language. This groundbreaking insight, conceived by Australian opera singer Priscilla Dunstan, has unveiled a symphony of sounds that unveil the intentions of infants just before they burst into tears.

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The Dunstan Baby Language Lexicon

The heartbeat of Dunstan Baby Language lies in its lexicon of pre-cry sounds, each resonating with a specific meaning. The genius of this approach lies in its simplicity – by identifying these vocal reflexes, caregivers gain a remarkable tool to understand and respond to their baby’s needs. Here are the five foundational sounds and their corresponding meanings:

  1. Neh: The rhythmic utterance of “Neh” signals hunger, akin to a primal chant for nourishment.

  2. Eh: A succinct “Eh” indicates the need for a burp, releasing upper wind and bringing relief.

  3. Eairh: The soft whisper of “Eairh” denotes lower wind or gas discomfort, an invitation to soothe and ease.

  4. Heh: An emphatic “Heh” exposes the baby’s discomfort, whether it’s the chill of a breeze or the dampness of a diaper.

  5. Owh: The gentle sigh of “Owh” is an enchanting lullaby, an invitation into the realm of slumber.

 To learn more watch Priscilla Dunstan video explaining Dunstan baby language.


Validation from the Scientific Community

Skepticism inevitably accompanies revolutionary concepts, yet Dunstan’s discoveries withstood the crucible of scientific scrutiny. Romanian researchers independently validated her claims, attesting to an impressive 89% accuracy in predicting infant needs. Furthermore, a separate study conducted by IOCScience painted an even more awe-inspiring picture, reporting an astonishing 94.7% accuracy rate. These statistics not only cemented the legitimacy of Dunstan Baby Language but also underscored its potential to revolutionize infant care.

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