Kelly Rowland Got the GOOD Jewels for Cannes

Kelly Rowland is having a good AND a bad time at Cannes. The good: THOSE JEWELS. The bad: Cameras caught security essentially trying to herd her off the stairs in a rush; supposedly the staffer also stepped on her dress, but that actually wasn’t what perturbed her. The Hollywood Reporter rundown has the video, and it makes the notation that they’re notoriously strict at Cannes about trying to start things on time. This may well be true, and yet, never once — to my knowledge — have we heard of them trying to shove someone to the side and up the stairs in the midst of being photographed, much less someone as famous as Kelly Rowland, child of destiny, independent woman. Cannes doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on here. The best revenge, however, is both of these necklaces.

[Photo: Lionel Hahn/Getty Images, Doug Peters/PA Images via Getty Images, Daniele Venturelli/WireImage]

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