Kirsten Dunst Went a Bit Sleeker This Time for Civil War

Kirsten’s last outfit for Civil War looked a bit baggy, and I don’t think it was quite her color, so I do actually welcome the switch to basic black — especially because she had to stand in front of that creepy neon backdrop, which turns her castmates into little plastic soldier versions of themselves. My guess for this was Rodarte, because of the skirt style, and indeed I was right! (Forgive me that little jig, but you see, even after almost 20 years I am NEVER right about this stuff.) This is a vast improvement for me on some of their other lingerie-ish designs in this vein, specifically this one, which we saw all over the place. The simple cut, the velvet, and the little ruffle are cute enough to give this interest without needing to default to sheerness, and Kirsten’s hair and makeup are exactly right. I love a victory lap; she should take one.

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[Photo: Monica Schipper/Getty Images]

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