Parenting: Safety tips for newborns.

Baby Safety Starts before Birth

Author: Erin Reynolds |

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Having a baby? You probably have lots of questions. That’s natural and a sign of a great future parent. If you are looking for ways to keep your baby safe, you’re not alone — all of us wonder how we can protect our progeny. Fortunately, there are lots of things we can do before they are born that will help us feel more confident in their health and safety. Here are a few things to think about as you await your first day of parenthood.

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This is just one of many great posts on how to be a more confident parent that you can find on the Bébénca Organics blog.


Sound and Safe Sleep:

According to Sleep Advisor, the ideal temperature for a baby’s room is between 68° and 72°. Much cooler or warmer than this and your baby is at risk of overheating or waking at night being too cold. There are many ways to keep your baby at the right temperature, including:

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  • Checking for cracks in the windows. Faulty windows can let warm air out and cool air in. It may also allow bugs and other creepy crawlies into your baby’s nursery. If you find that your nursery windows are in less-than-great repair, plan to spend around $290 hiring a licensed, insured, and well-reviewed window repair service.


  • Using a small fan. A small fan, kept across the room from the crib, will help circulate air and keep your baby from sweating during the summer.


  • Dress them in light layers, but avoid hats. Layers are great for both summer and winter as it gives you the option to adjust what your baby wears without having to change their entire outfit. But regardless of season, make sure your baby’s head stays uncovered. Overheating is suspected to increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.


Dressing Your Baby:


Dressing your baby is half the fun of having an infant. There are so many cute little outfits to show them off that you’ll want to buy one of everything. But there are a few things to watch for:


  • Organic is best. As you begin to stockpile tiny onesies and sleepers for your little one, keep in mind that organic cotton is the best choice. Infant skin is ultrasensitive and much more porous than adults’. Dressing them in clothing made of non-organic cotton puts your baby at risk of chemical exposure. Bébénca Organics works diligently to ensure that each piece of cloth used in the manufacturing of its baby clothing is safe for your little one.




Image via  Bébénca Organics 


  • Some clothing poses a choking hazard. US clothing manufacturers have to adhere to certain safety protocols. But that doesn’t stop even known manufacturers, such as Target’s Cat & Jack, from rolling out faulty clothing that poses a choking hazard. Buy your baby’s clothes new, and constantly check for issues, such as busted snaps or zippers, that may cause a choking hazard.


  • Avoid teething necklaces. Teething jewelry and necklaces might help us feel more fashion-forward in the days after our baby’s birth, but the FDA says to leave these alone. There have been many reports of serious injuries — including death by strangulation — caused by accessories.


Once you have a baby, you start to see that there are dangers around every corner. As a parent, it’s your responsibility and privilege to keep your children safe. The above tips can help you do just that, and the advice here can help you create a safe haven before your baby’s debut. From keeping the ideal temperature in the nursery to selecting the right type of clothing, every decision you make each day matters. Make sure to check out the Bébénca Organics shop for safe and comfortable all-season gender-neutral clothing for your little ones.


Author: Erin Reynolds |

Title Image via Pexels

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