Try These Recipes on Your Grill for LDW

With Labor Day weekend nearly here, I’m searching for the ultimate main course and side dishes to serve for the long weekend. We’ll be hosting all weekend and I need plenty of ideas for a Labor Day cookout. The three-day weekend is a big one and the final goodbye to summer, so I want to make sure my menu is perfect for the unofficial end of summer and a hello to the holiday weekend. What better way to say goodbye to a season and celebrate this country than with simple ingredients to bond over. From Labor Day desserts to burger recipes and our favorite side dish, this is our Labor Day menu. We hope you enjoy!

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ldw grilling recipes

This recipe is light and so refreshing! I love the mixture of the tangy fruit with the salty cheese, too. This is one you will want to make a large bowl of because everyone will love it!

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Did you know you can grill pizza? My mind is blown! It’s like having a pizza oven but you use the grill you already have. While this recipe is fairly easy to follow, you can always substitute ingredients for ones you have in mind. Pepperoni, pesto and mushrooms are great additions.

There’s something so chic about this recipe. It’s so easy to make yet it looks so fancy! I also have this on my list for brunch recipes because I think it works for day or night.

ldw grilling recipes ldw grilling recipes

Have you ever grilled veggie skewers with a glaze? It adds so much flavor and it’s an ingredient most people already have in their kitchen. You can add any veggies you like but bell peppers are a staple here.

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This is another dressed up appetizer. It’s a true crowd pleaser and honestly on the healthier side! Since it’s so warm out we like to serve light bites.

ldw grilling recipes ldw grilling recipes

I have been loving shrimp more than usual lately. This is a fun take on a poboy and my family has been asking for it! We’re making it for our guests this holiday weekend. Making it extra crispy makes the world of a difference.

I haven’t had halloumi in forever! This is a great alternative to meat if you are looking for one. It’s still filling and has a nice salty bite.

Another alternative to meat, salmon is great on the grill! It’s a new twist on a classic skewer and the miso balances the fish out perfectly. Add a hint of lemon and you have a great meal.

For anyone planning on making ribs and looking for a new rub to try out, this is the recipe for you. It’s a great combination of flavors and something everyone will enjoy.

We’re taking burgers to the next level! It’s the unofficial end to summer and what better way to finish the season than with true BBQ? Tangy flavors meet fresh meat and veggies on the grill for a fantastic burger.

Grilled corn is so much more delicious than regular corn in my opinion. I’ve been eating it this way exclusively lately. So when you go to make this quick salad, it’s a lot more tender to eat and has a nice charred flavor.

I love having these as a side because they are a step up from all the common veggies we consume daily. These are great with a light dipping sauce and squeeze of lemon to balance out the flavor. They’re even better grilled than steamed!

I’m a major fan of artichokes. while I typically steam them, I wanted to try out a new way to cook them. Since it’s still summer, I figured finding a grill recipe would be amazing and I am thrilled to have found this one! It has a delicious sauce that I can’t get enough of.

We’re all familiar with a typical potato salad. Well, have you tried grilling it? It enhances the flavor and is so delicious! It’s topped with a lemon vinaigrette versus a heavy mayonnaise. We’re keeping light flavoring for the severe humidity.

I know casseroles get made fun of often, but they are great for serving large groups of people. This has a squash base so it’s not only on the healthier side but it is a bit lighter than one that would be potato or noodle based.

ldw grilling recipes ldw grilling recipes

I’ve been dreaming of this since I found this recipe. The kids are not only gonna love this one but I think they’re going to have so much fun helping me make it. I can see this being a staple for all gatherings for awhile.

This is a more decadent dessert and one I think the adults will prefer to a cake. It’s a simple recipe and you can top it with your favorite ice cream to make a whole sundae out of it.

I’ve always wanted to try to make an ice cream cake so I figured I’d go all out with a fun recipe like this one. It’s a crowd pleaser and this actually stores well in the freezer–if you have leftovers!

Finally, we have a more Americana traditional recipe here. Everyone loves blueberry cobbler! Fresh blueberries are just the best and when they meet a flaky crust and super fresh cream, there’s just nothing like it!

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