Your Afternoon Chat: Give a Travel Rec, Get a Travel Rec

Whee, it’s time for one of my favorite regular posts! As I basically said last time we did this,  I suspect several of you are currently planning your summer vacation, and might have questions for your knowledgeable Fug Nationals like, “can you recommend a chic hotel in Anchorage that has a great hot tub?” or “which one of these two cruises should I go on, I know nothing about cruises” or “what should I pack for three weeks in Italy?” or “does anyone know of a beach community with great Indian food?” or “can someone recommend a great place to have brunch in Sarasota with four elderly ladies visiting from Miami? Two of them are mother and daughter and these things can be fraught! They love cheesecake, if it helps.” You get what I’m putting down. So get down there into the comments and ask for trip-planning help, or give some. OR BOTH! PS: Just a heads up that comments on this thread end up in moderation a lot, esp. if you include a link but DON’T WORRY. I will fish you out!!

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(Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Classicstock/Getty Images)

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