Your Afternoon Chat: What Olympic Sport Do You Secretly Believe You Could Do?

Picture it: For SERIOUS REASONS, you have been plucked from your daily life and been informed that you must join Team Your Country at the Olympics, and you must compete. It’s serious! You cannot say no! It’s a matter of grave national importance! No one expects you to win but you do have to go out there and perform and do it sincerely, no clowning around, people must believe you are actually there legitimately. However: You do get to choose the sport in question. (It can be a team sport.) What are you doing?

(And a related reminder: We’re doing daily Olympics open threads at Drinks With Broads during the games, if you want to chat with like-minded folks watching the Olympics. It’s been a blast! Here’s today’s chat; jump in any time!)

(Photo by Michael Stuparyk/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

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